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  • Deleted Member - 23/08/2021 04:02 AM
    I support guns
    We all need to have our guns

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Gene Brooks


  • Created By : Gene Brooks
  • Created Date : 2021-08-10 06:31:33
  • Total Signatures : 1
Petitions Home » Browse Petitions » Prohibit gun sales on Facebook & Instagram immediately

Prohibit gun sales on Facebook & Instagram immediately

Facebook and Instagram are currently being used to facilitate sales and trades of firearms between private sellers.

Most of these sales and trades can take place without background checks, meaning that there’s no way to stop a Facebook or Instagram user from potentially selling a gun to a felon, a domestic abuser, or another dangerous person who would otherwise be prohibited from obtaining a gun.

Gene Brooks

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I think of Facebook and Instagram as places to share photos of my kids & family -- not as an online market for guns. Much like Mothers Against Drunk Driving was created to change laws regarding drunk driving, I started Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America the day after the Sandy Hook shooting to build support for common-sense gun reforms. I want my children -- and all children -- to feel safe and secure.

As moms, we're among Facebook's largest and most loyal audiences. We need to tell Facebook loud and clear that allowing gun sales and trades -- which could easily put firearms in the hands of criminals and dangerous people -- is a threat to public safety and the security of our families. Other online platforms including Craigslist, eBay, and Google+ have already prohibited these sales and it's time for Facbook and Instagram to join them.

It's a social media gun show that we can't allow to go on any longer.