Most of the Citizens who make a genuine commitment to civic progress and community growth by volunteering their time to improve the lives & minds of their neighbors are at their best. Volunteering in your community is a crucial step to stimulating engagement and deepening connections between citizens and the broader community.
Here we describe a step-by-step approach to harness the power and enthusiasm of your residents to assure them that your program will succeed and that it won't make you overstaff.
1. Begins with an Assessment
2. Create your own Volunteer Mission Statement
3. Identify a Brand and Cause for unite the Volunteers
4. Recruit Volunteers who are ready to initiate
5. Establish & Follow Guidelines for Safety
6. SMART Goals to Achieve the best Objective
7. Volunteers be Leaders
8. Engage & Motivate Volunteers for best Results
9. Develop Long-lasting Relationships
10. Give Volunteers a memorable Experience
11. Investment in Volunteer Management Tools